Tuesday 2 June 2009

So we've made it to Rome. not that is was an epic trek, mainly we just had to sit on buses, but we've reached the end of the first part of our trip. That's the structured part over and done with, so now we have to plan out the next step. We're staying in the beehive (thanks Alex and Jane!), it's a nice apartment in central Rome. I'm drinking a Peroni as I type this, listening to the buses out our window. There is this little old Italian lady across the street who stares out her window smoking. Nice.

Munich was, as per usual, excellent. I keep saying that about each city we visit, but each city has its own set of charms and we probably aren't staying long enough to see the negatives. Anyway, Munich is pretty much as the postcards suggest. Giant beers and lots of them. Its a city geared towards beer drinking, so much so that they consider beer season to be the fifth season on the calendar. I drank my required 1.5 litres a day, and felt very Bavarian. Beer and sausage galore. plates of roasted meats. I felt quite at home despite not understanding anything said to me.

We did a day trip out to Neuschwanstein Castle, the castle Disney stole as the look for sleeping beauty's castle and the castle that Ludwig II built as an homage to Richard Wagner. It really is awesome countryside, you can point your camera anywhere and end up with a postcard.

We did the Venice thing and did it in style. In and out in two hours.We ran to St Marks Square, took a few photos on the canal and got a pizza. The pizza was great actually, we sat on this park bench and watched all these kids drinking beer in the square as we ate. Good people watching. Then we got the hell out of there. I'm sure there's lots to see in Venice, but really, I'm over canals and cobblestones.

We've bee in Rome two nights now, the weather has been pretty bad, but it seems nice out now. We're not doing any sight seeing as we're planning out the rest of our trip through Italy. We've booked some train tickets tomorrow to head through Pisa on our way to La Spezia, so we can go see the Cinque Terre. Then we're off to Florence, via Lucca. I don't know why, but I really want to see David for some reason.

Then we're going to head down south, then back to sight see in Rome before heading off to the UK next week. Looking forward to the rest of Italy, Rome so far hasn't done anything to impress me. That said, we've got a kitchen where we are, and if nothing else, I've really liked cooking again. Makes me yearn for my own kitchen. Then that reminds me I have no home anymore and I get depressed.


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